Thursday, May 22, 2008

Viagra: Ten Years on the Rise

This was the title of the documentary I watched last night on TV 5. I got some names of experts that I could possibly contact for my own project, so that's good. There wasn't a whole lot of information about STDs among the senior citizen set, but there was a little. This is a good thing because it shows that more information needs to get out there.

The funniest part of the show was when an expert pulled out the following items to describe the different types of erections:

Type 1: Tofu

Type 2: Peeled Banana

Type 3: Unpeeled Banana

Type 4: Cucumber

I'm sorry.
Hold on a minute.

Yup. Tofu.
Chew on that one for a while...


Kirstyn said...

So help me understand -- Elihu is curious,too: erections can look like these kinds of foods? Or they have the qualities of these kinds of foods? Or they taste like them? What did the expert say?!!! :)

Kirstyn said...

did i mention that I'm coming to London? (So what kind of food best describes a flaccid penis? Tofu scramble?

Tamraconteur said...

Sorry. I wrote this entry a bit hastily. The foods are referring to the different levels of firmness. In other words, a guy can have an erection, but if the firmness of his erection is that of tofu or a peeled banana (incidentally, 30% of 40 year olds have a "peeled banana" on occasion), he can't do much with it.

I should ask Elihu if he knows anyone going into geriatrics, and whether or not future MDs are taught to consider STDs when obtaining medical histories of seniors.